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E:/Programming/MyProject/K_Game_hg/GameEngine/include/render/TextOverlay.h File Reference
#include <EngineConfig.h>
#include <core/Types.h>
#include <render/Overlay.h>
#include <string>

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class  render::TextOverlay
 Represents a text overlay which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents. More...


namespace  render

In this namespace can be found render management classes like RenderManager, RenderWindow, RenderSystem, and so on.


enum  render::Alignment { render::A_LEFT, render::A_RIGHT, render::A_CENTER }

The KG Game Engine
The KG Game Engine Documentation © 2006-2011 by Kat'Oun. Generated on Sat Jul 2 2011 00:50:06 by Doxygen (1.7.4)