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core::vector3d Member List
This is the complete list of members for core::vector3d, including all inherited members.
crossProduct(const vector3d &p) const core::vector3d
dotProduct(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
get() const core::vector3d
getDistanceFrom(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
getDistanceFromSQ(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
getLength() const core::vector3d
getLengthSQ() const core::vector3d
isBetweenPoints(const vector3d &begin, const vector3d &end) const core::vector3d
NEGATIVE_UNIT_Xcore::vector3d [static]
NEGATIVE_UNIT_Ycore::vector3d [static]
NEGATIVE_UNIT_Zcore::vector3d [static]
operator!=(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
operator*(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
operator*(const f32 v) const core::vector3d
operator*=(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d
operator*=(const f32 v)core::vector3d
operator+(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
operator+=(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d
operator-() const core::vector3d
operator-(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
operator-=(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d
operator/(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
operator/(const f32 v) const core::vector3d
operator/=(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d
operator/=(const f32 v)core::vector3d
operator=(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d
operator==(const vector3d &other) const core::vector3d
ORIGIN_3Dcore::vector3d [static]
set(const f32 nx, const f32 ny, const f32 nz)core::vector3d
set(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d
setLength(f32 newLength)core::vector3d
UNIT_SCALEcore::vector3d [static]
UNIT_Xcore::vector3d [static]
UNIT_Ycore::vector3d [static]
UNIT_Zcore::vector3d [static]
vector3d(f32 nx, f32 ny, f32 nz)core::vector3d
vector3d(const vector3d &other)core::vector3d

The KG Game Engine
The KG Game Engine Documentation © 2006-2011 by Kat'Oun. Generated on Sat Jul 2 2011 00:50:07 by Doxygen (1.7.4)