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physics::SphereShape Member List
This is the complete list of members for physics::SphereShape, including all inherited members.
getOrientation() const physics::Shape
getPosition() const physics::Shape
getShapeType() const physics::Shape
mOrientationphysics::Shape [protected]
mPositionphysics::Shape [protected]
mRadiusphysics::SphereShape [protected]
mShapeTypephysics::Shape [protected]
setDimension(f32 radius)physics::SphereShape [virtual]
setOrientation(const core::quaternion &q)physics::Shape [virtual]
setPosition(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z)physics::Shape [virtual]
setPosition(const core::vector3d &pos)physics::Shape [virtual]
~Shape()physics::Shape [virtual]
~SphereShape()physics::SphereShape [virtual]

The KG Game Engine
The KG Game Engine Documentation © 2006-2011 by Kat'Oun. Generated on Sat Jul 2 2011 00:50:08 by Doxygen (1.7.4)