» Features page
- platform: PC/Windows
- abstraction components with pluggable backends for graphics, input, scripting, sound, physics and resource loaders
- flexible design, application-independent, genre-independent
- object orientated
- common resource infrastructure for resource management
- platform plugin: Win32
- rendering plugin: OpenGL
- input plugin: DirectInput8
- audio plugin: OpenAL soft
- physics plugins: PhysX
- scripting plugin: Angelscript(WIP)
- cross-platform
- math
- vector2d, vector3d, quaternion, matrix4, line2d, line3d, tringle3d, plane3d, sphere3d, aabox3d
- Singleton
- Config file
- Utils
- cross-platform
- dynamic library with common functionality
- build configuration
- Engine Manager
- Engine events
- Log Manager
- PluginManager
- cross-platform
- API independent
- buffered and unbufferd
- cursor
- keyboard device
- mouse device
- jostick device
- plugin: win32 input plugin
- cross-platform
- API independent
- timer
- virtual file system
- file
- hardware info: CPU vendor, CPU frequency
- plugin: win32 platform plugin
- cross-platform
- API independent
- texture: loads image files with FreeImage library
- serializer interface
- centralized loading
- plugin: resource loaders plugin
- cross-platform
- API independent
- provides objects like Colour, Light, Camera, Model, MeshData, Texture, Material, Shader, Viewport, RenderWindow, RenderManager etc
- provides shaders through CG library
- plugin: OpenGL render plugin
- cross-platform
- API independent
- provides objects like Sound, SoundData, Listener, SoundManager
- plugin: OpenAL soft sound plugin
- cross-platform
- API independent
- provides objects like Body, BodyData, Shape, Material, CollisionEvent, PhysicsManager etc
- plugin: PhysX physics plugin
- cross-platform
- API independent
- provides objects like Script, ScriptManager etc
- plugin: Angelscript script plugin