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Public Attributes
resource::PixelFormatDescription Struct Reference

A record that describes a pixel format in detail. More...

#include <PixelFormat.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

u8 abits
u32 amask
u8 ashift
u8 bbits
u32 bmask
u8 bshift
u8 componentCount
 Component type.
PixelComponentType componentType
 Pixel format flags.
u8 elemBytes
 Name of the format, as in the enum.
u32 flags
 Number of bytes one element (color value) takes.
u8 gbits
u32 gmask
u8 gshift
u8 rbits
 Component count.
u32 rmask
 Number of bits for red(or luminance), green, blue, alpha.
u8 rshift
 Masks as used by packers/unpackers.

Detailed Description

A record that describes a pixel format in detail.

Member Data Documentation

Component type.

Pixel format flags.

Number of bytes one element (color value) takes.

Referenced by resource::PixelUtil::getFlags(), resource::PixelUtil::packColor(), and resource::PixelUtil::unpackColor().

Number of bits for red(or luminance), green, blue, alpha.

Referenced by resource::PixelUtil::getBitMasks(), resource::PixelUtil::packColor(), and resource::PixelUtil::unpackColor().

Masks as used by packers/unpackers.

Referenced by resource::PixelUtil::packColor(), and resource::PixelUtil::unpackColor().

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The KG Game Engine
The KG Game Engine Documentation © 2006-2011 by Kat'Oun. Generated on Sat Jul 2 2011 00:50:09 by Doxygen (1.7.4)