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E:/Programming/MyProject/K_Game_hg/GameEngine/include/Engine.h File Reference
#include <EngineConfig.h>
#include <Core.h>
#include <Platform.h>
#include <Input.h>
#include <Resource.h>
#include <Render.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Physics.h>
#include <Scene.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <engine/Object.h>
#include <engine/ObjectDefines.h>
#include <engine/Log.h>
#include <engine/LogManager.h>
#include <engine/Plugin.h>
#include <engine/PluginManager.h>
#include <engine/EngineSettings.h>
#include <engine/EngineManager.h>
#include <engine/EngineEvent.h>
#include <engine/EngineEventReceiver.h>

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namespace  core

In this namespace can be found basic classes like vectors, planes, arrays, lists and so on.

namespace  engine

Everything in the Engine can be found in this namespace and very important, the class GameManager.

namespace  input

In this namespace can be found input management classes like MouseEvent, MouseEventReceiver, KeyEvent and so on.

namespace  physics

In this namespace can be found physics management classes.

namespace  platform

In this namespace can be found platform management classes like Timer, File, and so on.

namespace  render

In this namespace can be found render management classes like RenderManager, RenderWindow, RenderSystem, and so on.

namespace  resource

In this namespace can be found resource management classes like ResoureceManager, Resource and so on.

namespace  scene

In this namespace can be found scene management classes like SceneManager, SceneNode, Camera, and so on.

namespace  script

In this namespace can be found script management classes like ScriptManager, ScriptSystem, Script and so on.

namespace  sound

In this namespace can be found sound management classes.

The KG Game Engine
The KG Game Engine Documentation © 2006-2011 by Kat'Oun. Generated on Sat Jul 2 2011 00:50:05 by Doxygen (1.7.4)